Your Quick Cleaning Checklist to Tackle 10 Minutes Before Company Arrives — 10-Minute Triumphs

Company's coming! Now! Whether you're hosting book club, having your in-laws over for a special celebration, or throwing a full-on party, having guests over is a good reason for many of us to fly into a full-fledged cleaning frenzy.

And if you're like me, that cleaning frenzy often turns into hyper-focusing on all the things that are messy and dirty in the house (which turns into, let's be honest, wasting time cleaning things that no one cares about).

Related: I Didn't Clean Before I Had Company Over — Can You Guess What Happened?

Still, you want to make a good impression, and I get that — I feel the same way! So instead of going wild with the Magic Eraser on the door jambs (as I've been known to do), consult this quick checklist of things to tackle during those 10 minutes before company arrives.

While you may need more time on one task and less on another, getting through these items will make your home look clean and tidy (enough) for guests without too much effort — or freaking out.

