I Gave Up Dairy for One Week — And I Actually Felt Different — Wellness

I've heard claims that eliminating dairy can boost energy levels, help with digestion, and assist with weight management — all good things! So, naturally, I've been curious. While I didn't have any particular health concerns, I'm always happy to try something out that will make me feel better.

I consider myself a moderate dairy consumer. My mornings tend to be dairy-heavy (my usual is a cup of Greek yogurt and two homemade lattes made with whole milk). So when I decided to give up dairy for a week, I knew mornings would be toughest — and eating out, of course.

In preparation for the week, I stocked up on almond milk, chia seeds, eggs, and avocados at Costco. And the night before, I made a point of "using up" a wedge of triple creme cheese sitting in the fridge from a dinner party a few nights before. Yum.

Anyway, here's how it went.

