The Only Way I Was Able to Lose Weight Was Without My Husband — Personal Wellness

When I met my husband, we bonded instantly. We had similar taste in music, having grown up on pop-rock icons like David Bowie and Prince in the decade when MTV first debuted. We both set up our first email accounts in the '90s and built some of the earliest online communities (bulletin board systems) when thousands — and not billions — were on the web. We were connected, quite literally, to each other very early on.

We also bonded because we were fat and generally unhealthy. In our earliest conversations, we discovered our shared issues with enjoying too much food and too little exercise. Growing up as chubby kids in the '80s and '90s, we lived through an era when the entire world was devoted to conquering obesity and obliterating fat. Unfortunately, the nature of the times made our body sizes the center of most conversations.

