Instagram Darling Mari Andrews Doesn't Have Time for a Diet — My Superpowered Morning

Welcome to Kitchn's series My Superpowered Morning, where we show you how interesting people use their morning routine to help them fuel the rest of the day.

In a world full of perfect #selfies and over-styled food shots on Instagram, illustrator Mari Andrew's account is remarkably human for someone with almost 900,000 followers. Her drawings are sometimes funny (like with this hilariously accurate depiction of food trends), but more often than not they deal with heartache, grief, and navigating how to be an adult. In just a few strokes of a pencil or brush, she is eerily good at making you feel less alone.

Mari (pronounced MAHR-EE, in case you were wondering) didn't start out as an illustrator. In 2015 her dad passed away and she was going through a terrible breakup, and she needed a creative outlet to cope. So, she picked up drawing and started an Instagram account where she posts every day. Her work resonated with people and it quickly grew in three years. This year she published her book Am I There Yet?, which is a heartwarming extension of her account.

I got to visit Mari at her studio apartment in New York. We talked comfort food, Bossa Nova, and how her morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day.

