3 Professional Organizers on Dealing with Paper Clutter in the Kitchen — Organizing Tips from The Kitchn

I consider myself a fairly tidy person. I make my bed first thing; clean the dishes (and the sink!) before sitting down to watch TV at night; and spend countless hours picking up tiny shoes, hair bands, teacups, and baby doll accessories from every corner of the house. But despite these tendencies, there's one spot where clutter — my own clutter, not the kind I can blame on the kids — constantly seems to exist. We have a nice, long countertop where paper just loves to migrate (as I glance over, I see at least four stacks of paper in varying sizes). Just looking at it is stressful!

So I called a few professional organizers certified by National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) to talk it out. Here's what I learned.

